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Discover our useful links and additional resources within this section. If you require any information, please contact our Academy Enquiries email address.

Useful Contacts

Reception is open from 7:45am to 4:00pm Monday to Thursday and closes at 3:30pm on a Friday, and can be contacted by phoning 01226 742286.

Our Academy reception contact is Mrs C Turner.


Academy Leadership Team
Mr D Buckley Executive Principal
Mrs H Craddock Principal
Mr S Moore Vice Principal
Mr J Dransfield Vice Principal
Mr J Gates Assistant Principal
Miss A Griffiths Acting Vice Principal
Miss E Senior Acting Vice Principal
Mrs E Jackson Business Manager
Mr N Earnshaw Inclusion Co-Ordinator
Miss L Wilson Associate Assistant Principal
Mr D Haywood Associate Assistant Principal
Mrs K Chapple Acting Associate Assistant Principal
Mr T Slack Acting Associate Assistant Principal


Learning Managers
Mr N Hough Year 7 Learning Manager
Mrs C Young Year 8 Learning Manager
Year 9 Learning Manager
Miss J Hall Year 10 Learning Manager
Mrs R Hague Year 11 Learning Manager


Extended Progress and Pastoral support
Mr N Fairman Safeguarding and Wellbeing Officer
Mrs J Waller Education Welfare Officer
Miss F Cartridge Attendance and Cover Manager
Miss S Portman Bridge Manager
Miss N Qayum PLC Manager
Mrs D Holmes First Aid Officer
Mrs A Ward Hub Manager
Mrs J Brennan Expectations for Learning Administrator
Mrs H Raistrick Inclusion Administrator


Heads of Department
Mr R Bloom English
Miss L Thirlwall Mathematics
Mrs K Chapple Science
Miss S Brown Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Mrs L Duke Physical Education and Performing Arts
Mrs J Milnes Sociology and Life
Mrs H Matthias Modern Technology and Art
Mrs S Gayton Associate Director of Maths
Mrs N Jahangir Associate Director of Science
Mr T Balmer Associate Director of History


NET Subject Directors

We are also regularly supported by our NET Subject Directors:

Mr P Carr Curriculum
Mr M Forrest Maths
Mr B Casson Science
Mr C Murphy History
Mrs A Philipson Geography
Mr R Hillier Modern Foreign Languages
SEND Co-ordinator

Miss A Griffiths
Phone – 01226 742286
Email- [email protected]


Further information – Phone the Academy

If you require any help or information phone the Academy on 01226 742286

Kirk Balk Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

View our academies