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Welcome from the Principal

I am both incredibly proud and profoundly delighted to be able to offer you a warm welcome to Northern Education Trust, Kirk Balk Academy.

We know that the site is the first point of call for many people new to the academy and a regular destination for those who work with us more closely. As a consequence, we want this to be a friendly and informative site which gives visitors detailed information about us in an appealing, interesting and exciting way. We also hope the site keeps you up to date with the latest news and events from the academy.

We are unashamedly focused on the educational outcomes of our students and deem that our students deserve to achieve the very best grades that they are capable of. We believe that this is the whole point of running a great school and we are exceedingly proud that we achieve this by taking a truly child centred approach. Our students are the most important people in our building!

We are keen for everyone to understand our vision:

“We constantly focus on standards as we understand outcomes are paramount. Our decision making is driven entirely by what is best for children. By doing this we enhance the life chances of the children and young people in our care.”

In addition to the core business, there are also countless opportunities to learn, develop, make new friends and have fun through extra-curricular activities. We have a strong sporting ethos, and there are many different sports offered throughout the year. In addition to this, we offer extra-curricular opportunities in drama, music, dance, and many other areas. There are countless trips, outings and charity events too, via our well-developed House System.

I hope you already share or will come to share, my belief that Kirk Balk is an exceptional place to attend as a student or to work in as an adult. I feel extremely privileged to be the Principal here and hope our website will help you to find out more about us.

Hayley Craddock

Kirk Balk Academy is a member of Northern Education Trust The Northern Education Trust includes a diverse range of schools across the North of England.

All of our inspected academies are rated GOOD or OUTSTANDING by ofsted.

View our academies