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Enrichment at Kirk Balk Academy

Although lessons end at 2.30pm, the Academy day does not – as this is when our Enrichment programme begins. Students are able to choose from a fantastic range of after-school Enrichment activities and clubs, both academic and non-academic. Sessions last from 2.30 – 3.30pm or 3.30-4.30pm and are run by staff volunteers. Enrichment sessions will not run on Tuesdays, unless by special invitation by a Subject Director. Enrichment is overseen by Mr Gates, who will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the Enrichment programme.


Why attend Enrichment?

Academic catch up sessions are an excellent way to help accelerate your progress. Whether you missed a lesson, need to improve your knowledge or require additional help with coursework, then catch up sessions will provide you with expert support from a range of staff in different departments. Enrichment activities also allow you to gain experience and skills in areas not typically part of your everyday curriculum. Enhancing your attributes by choosing to gain new experiences is extremely desirable to future employers and higher education providers. Furthermore, attending the different clubs on offer each week means you will get the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends with other students with similar interests.


Who can attend?

Everyone! Whichever year group you are in there are a huge range of Enrichment sessions to choose from. Some activities are specifically targeted at individual year groups or key stages and this information is provided in the enrichment booklet below.

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