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  • SLT Drop In – Tuesday 11th February (4-6pm) SLT Drop In – Tuesday 11th February (4-6pm)

    As a senior leadership team, we would like to offer parents the opportunity to attend our ‘SLT Drop-In’ on Tuesday 11th February from 4-6pm. This is an opportunity for all parents and carers to come into the academy to speak to any member of the senior team concerning any issues which parents and carers may wish to discuss.


    Making an Appointment at the ‘SLT Drop-In’

    The school operates an easy to use online booking system called SchoolCloud. This allows you to arrange your own face to face appointment inside the academy with a member of the senior team, including myself.

    Appointments can be made as soon as is convenient.

    Please visit to make a booking.

    You only need to make an appointment with one member of the Senior Leadership Team.

    If for any reason, you are unable to electronically book in for an appointment, please contact a member of our reception team on the phone number at the top of this letter who will be happy to assist you in booking a virtual appointment or arrange for you to receive a telephone call from a member of the senior team.

    SLT Drop Invite Letter (11th February 2025) - 03.02.25.pdf

    1:44 pm, 3 February 2025 Published in
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