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  • Year 8 EBacc Experience – Holocaust Memorial Assembly Year 8 EBacc Experience – Holocaust Memorial Assembly

    At Northern Education Trust Kirk Balk Academy, we share a vision of being ‘Outcomes Focused, Child Centred’. As such, we believe that all students are entitled to educational experiences that are both enjoyable and enriching.

    You may already be aware that in order to achieve this, over the course of Key Stage 3, all students have the opportunity to take part in our ‘EBacc Experiences’ programme. This programme is designed to provide exciting experiences and events which take place throughout each year of Key Stage 3. All experiences are offered to our students completely free of charge and allow students to explore a range of topics from different subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate – a set of subjects studied at GCSE that keep our young peoples’ options open for further study and future careers.

    The second EBacc Experience of the year for students in Y8 is due to take place on Friday 31st January. This involves students listening to speakers from the Northern Holocaust Education Group sharing the stories that are part of their family’s history based on memories of Holocaust Survivors and Refugees, giving our students the opportunity to link their learning in History to the memories shared.

    I am sure that this will be a fantastic event for all our Y8 students, and I am looking forward to seeing them enjoy this unique experience.


    8:40 am, 27 January 2025 Published in
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