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  • 2024 Leavers Art Coursework Collection 2024 Leavers Art Coursework Collection

    July 2024 leavers (class of 2024) will now be able to collect their Art and Photography Coursework from Monday 25th of November 2024.

    If former students would like to collect their coursework, they will need to contact reception to pre-arrange a time to collect work via e-mail or telephone.

    We require notification at least 24 hours before so that work can be sorted and brought to reception for former students to collect. The process of collecting work should only take around five minutes. Please consider how you will take this work home as some of it is large and will be taken out of folders.

    If you are unable to collect on the week commencing the Monday 25th of November 2024, you may nominate someone to collect on your behalf. You must write a letter authorising your nominated person to collect your coursework which must be signed and dated.

    If you cannot get anyone to collect your work during this week then please contact Miss Thomas via the following email: [email protected] to arrange another date and time.

    PLEASE NOTE: Exam boards only expect us to keep Coursework until the end of the appeals
    process which has passed. After this time, work can be destroyed. Also, some work will be kept by the academy for display purposes. If this is the case, this will be communicated to you.

    Please do not hesitate to contact Miss Thomas at the email address above if you need any further information.

    9:37 am, 28 November 2024 Published in
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